вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian state u

Once I have the page more or less blocked out, I start to work on the main objects--which usually means the figures.

I really work a lot on the figures, building bolder lines out of a a lot of looser, rougher work. I always was a better painter than a draftsman and I guess that shows in my process. There are a lot of side effects to my heavy working of the images: erasure, deep marks on the paper, clouds of gray smudge. It would be difficult to ink direct onto these pages--fortunately that doesnapos;t happen. (I send scans to Dave Gutierrez and he makes prints, inks over them, and then sends me digital copies back).

As you can see, Iapos;ve put in a bit of work on the vehicles in panel 1 and Iapos;ve now roughly blocked in the middle-ground figures in panel 4. Iapos;m not very concerned about the backgrounds int hose two panels; Iapos;ve used similar shots the the ones on page 5, so I know I can recreate them at least as well a second time.

I am starting to consider replacing the panel 5 with a reaction shot for the crowd we see assembled in panel 4; if so I will probably move panel 5 to the first panel on the following page and draw the new panel on a loose sheet (again, I press too heavily to allow overdrawing). Iapos;ll probably wait until Iapos;ve tried to lay down the following page before I make this decision, however; context is everything. For right now, Iapos;m trying to focus on getting the page done.

-- JF

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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This climate change whoseewhatsit... Tina Fey, I love you so.

How is it possible that I hadnapos;t seen the VP debate SNL skit?� It hurts to laugh...� You dopes got schooled Biden style.

I wish my camera worked because Osiris is on the couch wearing a tank top with a giant spongebob face on it, skin tight red-and-white striped pants, and my boots... Which come 3/4 of the way up his thigh.� Heapos;s playing with a bobblehead homer.� Hi-larious.�

There is so much to do and parties to go to this weekend.� I am going to hermitize a bit this week and ignore the impending sense of doom.� Denial is, after all, my middle name.

Ugh.� Thatapos;s a lie.� Itapos;s elizabeth.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

david tao concert 2006

No, not to a substance. More like to a website. Several, really. I know itapos;s wrong, and I know I should be getting some sleep instead, but I find myself drawn to my computer screen, constantly checking LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net. Why? Because, I am a Harry Potter addict, and currently my only relief is fanfiction. There are some amazing authors I discovered on other sites that write here faster (Ella...), and some that update every day on other sites. When I miss a day and canapos;t check the sites, I go crazy the next day trying to catch up. Somehow itapos;s not affecting school yet. My math teacher even wants to move me to a higher level class. But still, I worry. And I canapos;t write my own, because I stink at writing fanfiction. Iapos;ve tried. But the words just donapos;t flow.

Itapos;s different when Iapos;m singing. When I sing, all the little things that add weight to my back go away. My mind clears. Sometimes, I start singing under my breath and just create my own words, own tune. I write the soundtrack to my life, and promptly forget it. In elementary school, at recess, Iapos;d walk off to the corner of the playground and sing about how I wanted my friends to notice Iapos;d left. All my songs were very repetitive. I think I sang "over here" more than anything else. A lot of the songs didnapos;t even have verses. Now, though... Now the range of songs is bigger. The notes are more varied. The emotions put into them tear through me like a hurricane and almost make me break into tears. And theyapos;re still about someone noticing.

And thereapos;s still no one who does.

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So today was the same as the past two weeks pretty much. I slept till about 12:30 and went on the computer not like anyone was on, everyone was in school. I read more of this play for english its so boring i cannot stand it, i did some work and typed up more shit. Im dreading monday, im gonna be bombarded with work, ill probably cry. I have to work monday too, damnit. Well i did some things around the house today too, being home all this time really makes me into doing things for once like chores. It keeps my dad happy and it helps us not to fight so thats good. I made dinner again and cleaned. I watched degrassi, i love that show so much. I get really into it, its the only show i can actually follow up with. I think kenny is coming over later to watch a movie, i havent seen him in a while and itll be good to actually hangout with someone since ive been isolated. Tomorrow i think im going to some stores to get things i need, money is becoming a big issue. Things are starting to look so much more expensive to me now and im scared. I feel bad asking my parents for money day after day, the economy sucks. Being home has made me think an awful lot, and things have more importance to me now.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

de agostini spitfire

Last night I had agreed with Lindsay to go to a bar to torment her ex. I figured I could just focus on that and if I wasnapos;t digging the scene I would just tell her and weapos;d move along.

We were to Ray Kellyapos;s Pub in Bridgeport...and she was right, the crowd was really chill and friendly. They had some live music going and the game on the telly. I guess her exapos;s current girl was there and hightailed it once we arrived. Linds knew some of the regulars so we chatted with them and made some new buddies as I nursed my Diet Coke. Going in and out the bar stink got me every time.

Everything was cool until this guy was hitting on Linds and I and this other guy kept playing with a knife. We just looked at each other and knew that it was time to call it a night She clung to me as I walked her back to her car like Iapos;d be any protection. Iapos;m just a naive white girl in Bridgeport after midnight. I was feeling nauseous too, but realized I hadnapos;t eaten anything since 11 that morning. Luckily I had a snack in my car once I got back to it at the Starbucks on 7.

Time to walk out and get some coffee and finally wake up

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Last night we caught the train to a place called Stratford in east London.

This is an area undergoing significant regeneration for the 2012 Olympics.

We had tickets for Come Dancing, a new musical by Ray Davies who was in a 1960s band called called The Kinks.

We had three choices for dinner.

A place called Caribbean Scene family restaurant, an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet, or Pizza Express.

The Caribbean place looked nice. You can eat in little thatched huts and there are plasma screens showing footage of Caribbean Islands. But the food looked a bit grim with things like goat and lots of oxtail.

I wanted the Chinese buffet but I know Gary hates the concept of all-you-can-eat, so we settled on the Pizza Express. Iapos;ve never even been in a Pizza Express branch before and it was Ok. But the pizzaapos;s are all a bit odd. No meat feast or Hawaiian.

The show itself was sadly disappointing. As I say, it was all about - and starring - this rock musician from the 60s, but to be honest the guy couldnapos;t sing to save him life and it was painful on the ears.

I just looked up on You Tube to see if his singing then was any better but Iapos;m not so sure.

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Finally, iapos;m done with the amaths papers :D cheeeerios�To reward myself, I practiced on the piano today�:D BigBangapos;s Lies and BigBangapos;s HaruHaru. Lies was doing okay, but HaruHaru is a mess. Its very difficult to play, and my inability to read score sheets quickly further restricts me to train faster. GAH. Oh but i thought it sounded quite okay for LIES�:D Quite weird though, i dont really like the chords. But okay la, free from internet, what more can i expect hurhur?�(:

I wanna find the score sheet for�"Maria", the OST�from 200 pounds beauty.

Cheers, so, back to practice�:D
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